Montana (MT) child custody laws, visitation rights, statutes, legislation, guidelines, regulations, and rules of family law ensure your due process or legal rights are protected as a parent-legal guardian-grandparent in Montana custody court under MT family law. Correct and current state specific MT child custody laws, legal forms-paperwork-information, key strategies, professional advice, and support are critical to ensure an appropriate outcome to any parenting plan agreement (aka child custody agreement), mediation, evaluation, and court hearing case. This custody outcome or judgement court order will ultimately define the co-parenting plan, visitation schedule, legal relationship, and physical relationship between parents-guardians-grandparents and their children or grandchildren. Full custody is commonly referred to as a child’s residence, guardianship, custodianship, and trusteeship. In the absence of split or joint custody, typically the other parent will have scheduled visitation, access, or contact with their children.
The most important child custody advice you need to utilize, is to feel your emotions,
but use logic to guide your decisions and personal conduct throughout the custody process. Your emotions will motivate and empower you to acquire and understand the child custody laws in Montana, and actively pursue a healthy resolution to your child custody dispute. Your logic will guide your decision-making process and ensure your personal conduct is professional and respectable throughout.
You need to realize, that the Montana child custody laws, and your conduct throughout this process are critical in determining the outcome of any custody battle whether through a legal parenting plan agreement, mediation, court hearing, litigation, and any type of court judicial process. Please remember, the further any unresolved child custody case travels down the road of immaturity, anger, and resentment; the longer it takes to travel back to a road of maturity and mutual respect. Which ultimately serves the best interest of the children and everyone involved.
Montana parenting plan agreement, mediation, evaluation, court hearing, and any legal litigation or judicial procedure will consider the best interest of the children throughout any custody case.
How to win child custody or child custody battle are terms that bring a false sense of hope and security for some throughout any MT parenting plan agreement, mediation, evaluation, and court hearing case. Our emotional and sometimes barbaric thought process is that we will battle or fight to win custody of our children. However, this type of mentality does far more harm than good, and is often responsible for some parents immature attempt to brainwash their children to turn against the other parent. A method often referred to as Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS).
Please remember, a custody dispute should never be used as an opportunity to inflict emotional pain and suffering on the children’s significant other or grandparents. Unfortunately this all to common situation, can generate lifelong anger and resentment. Don’t forget, as children mature they will realize, and resent those responsible for any selfish and immature actions.
In the end, it’s always the children who suffer the most consequences of parents immature and self-centered behavior. Parents need to remember the ultimate goal, is to regard the children’s best interest as the most important aspect of any child custody dispute and negotiation.
If your Montana child custody case has become toxic, just remember that it takes two to tangle. If you view yourself as a victim, and feel as though you have not done anything wrong, or were/are unable to do anything different to make this situation more of a positive productive experience; then you should consider yourself part of the problem. Every situation needs a hero, and you need to be that hero for your children. Take yourself out of the situation personally by setting your emotions aside. Only then can you change your conduct, demeanor, and attitude by showing respect, humility, and a willingness to maturely consider the feelings and interests of the other parent and even grandparents. If you take yourself out of this negative equation, eventually the children’s significant other will come around also.
Remember, everything throughout this MT custody process needs to be a negotiation
filled with compromise by both parties, and not a battle, fight, or some type of game where you either win or lose. If you change your attitude and approach, a situation once doomed to be a very emotional and stressful experience will become a positive and productive process. Both parties ultimately should understand, acknowledge, and elevate the needs of the children, and consent to an agreement that serves the best interests for the children, parents, and entire family.
Child custody laws in Montana, and the parenting plan agreement, mediation, evaluation, court hearing process, and any judicial procedures were created by the states legislative system to ensure the legal rights of parents-guardians-grandparents-children are protected under MT family law.
Parents, legal guardians, and grandparents need to be knowledgeable of the child custody laws that are specific to the state of Montana. Each states legislative system has … (Click Below For Page 2 of 2)
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My ex-girlfriend Tiffany LeeAnne Rose (AKA Tiffany LeeAnne Todd) skipped state with our children Zoey Nicole Faith Coffman (age 8) and Ryder Storm Coffman (age 5) in July 2014. I once found her in Kingman, AZ and due to her cutting all contact with my children and I as well as my family, I had to request a wellness check be done via their local Sheriffs Dept. as well as the Arizona State CPS. They did find them, and Tiffany then allowed them to call me once, only to ask for money and fill mine and the children’s heads with the belief that the contact would stay stable and they would be coming to visit me for the summer of 2015. A week after said contact she vanished with them again, and once again had cut all contact. When I finally found them again they were in Montana and from my understanding are still there. I want to file for custody of my children with limited supervised contact being offered to their mother Tiffany LeeAnne Todd. It has recently been brought to my attention by some of her family still here in the State of Oregon where I am located that she is in a physically and mentally abusive marriage, as well as she is critically ill with MS of the Brain and has been in an out of their local hospitals due to strokes and other dyer medical reasons. I feel that by requesting full custody with limited supervised contact, she will no longer be able to cut contact, skip state, or vanish with my children on a whim. I have been working for the same company for 4 years as an Appliance Technician, and my fiance and I can offer them a stable and healthy living situation where they never again have to move or go through the emotional, mental, verbal, and physical abuse that they have been subjected to. I only want for my children to be safe, and in a loving home where they can have relationships with their family and no longer have to worry about being screamed and cussed at, hit, or witness to their mother being beat up or verbally abused. Montana State told me I could get the custody papers off of their website, however her and I won’t be filing jointly and that is all I can find on the site is for parents agreeing on all terms and filing together. I do not have a current address for where my children are, only know that they are somewhere between Laurel, Montana and Billings, Montana. I cannot afford to hire a private investigator at their outrageous prices in today’s economy, and I am scared for the well being and safety of my children. All any sheriffs office there has offered to do for me is to make a report, but other than that won’t make any further moves. What can I do?? How can I find and collect my children without them being at risk any longer? In case you are wondering, NO there is no standing custody order in place, as she skipped state before Oregon’s filing ever completed and they dismissed the case here due to the required parenting class not being taken as Tiffany had received both mine and her letter requiring the parenting class be taken and didn’t mention it to me until it was too late and the courts in my area refuse to take responsibility for their mailing error. Please Help!