North Carolina grandparents’ legal rights, guidelines, regulations, and rules of law allow you to ask for visitation, and temporary custody of your grandchildren. NC grandparents can also file for full custody, guardianship, or adoption, to raise their grand-kids, through a NC family law custody court judicial process. The proper legal advice, guidance, and strategies are key to ensure a successful outcome to any predicament regarding your grandchildren. Fortunately, studies have shown that the “Best Interests” for your grandchildren is that they have an active relationship with their grandparents. Grandfathers and grandmothers can often provide a healthier and more stable environment than the children’s biological parents. As a result, North Carolina’s “Best Interest of the Child” guideline fully supports a grandparents’ rights for visitation and custody. The legal extent to which you can visit, provide, and support your grandchildren will need to be determined and approved through a NC family law court hearing litigation process.
Children are all too often kept from their grandparents, or exposed to abuse and neglect. Typically, most if not all of these circumstances
are completely out of their control. This unhealthy environment is a damaging situation for children’s emotional and physical well-being. Children often don’t have a voice to be heard, and it is our responsibility as grandparents to be that voice. A voice that defends, supports, protects, and cares for all grandchildren that so desperately need our help.
The North Carolina Judicial Legal System Recognizes the Importance of Grandparents’ Rights Regarding Visitation and Custody of Grandchildren; and Fully Understands That Abuse and Neglect are Prevalent in NC Families.
NC family law fully acknowledges the ability for grandparents to provide a positive and stable environment. An environment, which is able to provide leadership, and a parenting platform so many children desperately need. Grandchildren even spending limited time with their grandparents can help provide the much-needed comfort and security that children require on a regular basis.
The situation grandchildren are exposed to varies greatly. Some are in a positive stable environment, and grandparents are simply denied access or may be allowed very limited contact with their grandchildren. The other end of the spectrum is a situation that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. If you can prove your grandchildren are being subjected to an abusive and neglectful environment, the North Carolina judicial system will act quickly and forcefully on your behalf. Don’t think for one second that as grandparents your rights will be restricted or limited. Remember, the “Best Interest of the Children” is a standard that is fully recognized and supported in the state of North Carolina.
If your grandchildren are in an abusive or neglected environment you may file a petition for a NC child protective proceeding. If abuse, neglect, or imminent danger exist, child protective services may enforce an emergency removal of the children and place them into protective custody. A child protective proceeding is typically followed by a number of court hearings. A fact-finding court hearing is set to determine if the allegations are true. A dis-positional hearing is set to decide what should be done if the child has been neglected or abused. Finally, a permanency hearing is set to determine and finalize the permanent placement and security of the children.
It’s important to recognize, the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) was established to ensure that any
child custody litigation occurs in the child’s “home state”. The “home state” is defined as the last state where a child has lived for 6 consecutive months with a parent. This act was adopted to discourage parents from moving out-of-state in an attempt to manipulate the judicial system for whatever reason. Parental attempted kidnapping by moving children to another state or jurisdiction was one of the main reasons the UCCJEA was adopted.
North Carolina Grandparents’ Legal Rights, Guidelines, Regulations, and Rules of Law Enable You to Defend Your Visitation Rights, Fight for Custody, or the “Best Interests” of Your Grandchildren Through NC Family Law.
The modification to your grandchild’s custody situation may be modified in North Carolina on your behalf. In some cases it will be a temporary modification based on a continuing effort of both parents to SUCCESSFULLY overcome the obstacles that prevent them from retaining full custody again. Parents inability to provide a safe, stable, humane, and secure home environment can be due to many different factors, including but not limited to: (substance abuse, incarceration, mental health issues, anger management, poor leadership skill sets, endangerment, physical abuse, emotional abuse, domestic violence, divorce, etc.). In other cases you may be awarded full custody. Often times, full custody comes with the option to legally adopt your grandchildren.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that you have no legal rights in the state of North Carolina when it
comes to your grandchildren. NC family law will help ensure your grand-kids get what they deserve and need. Remember to focus your efforts on their “Best Interests” at all times. Your grandchildren will thank you when they are mature enough to realize the decisions and sacrifices you made for them and their future.
I cannot stress enough, the fact that grandchildren need their grandparents. For some grand-kids seeing their grandparents on a regular basis is the best option. Others need to be removed from a physically and emotionally damaging environment permanently. Grandparents are often the first and best option for children to find the stable and secure environment they desperately need and deserve. Check out the links below to help secure visitation with your grandchildren, or fight for the rights of someone who is unable to defend themselves.
- Click Here 😎 for a State-Specific GRANDPARENTS’ RIGHTS MANUAL, and a GRANDPARENTS GOING TO CUSTODY COURT TO ASSERT THEIR LEGAL RIGHTS MANUAL. Both Contain State-Specific Laws, Regulations, Guidelines, and Strategies for North Carolina (NC), and all Fifty States. All the Necessary Legal Forms and Paperwork are Included to Provide the Tools You Need to Secure Visitation, and an Appropriate Environment for Your Grandchildren.
- Click Here 😎 if You or Someone You Know Wishes to Create Their Own Professional Quality Visitation Schedule, Visitation Calendar, Parenting Plan Agreement, Expense Reports, and MUCH MORE. This Allows You to Track Actual Visitation Time and Expenses, Prepare for any Negotiation or Court Appearance, Save $$$… on Attorney Fees, Spend Less Time in Court, and More Time with Your Grandchildren or Children.
The time to act is now, because all children deserve the best that our society has to offer. As a North Carolina grandparent you have rights. These rights enable you to request visitation, and also allow you to be a voice for someone who may desperately need your help and support. Life can come with many challenges, but if you believe that everything happens for a reason then life’s challenges will suddenly become an obstacle with a manageable solution. Don’t forget, North Carolina grandparents’ legal rights, regulations, guidelines, and rules of law, regarding grandchild visitation and custody, were also legislated for guidance, advice, and strategies to support the “Best Interests of the Children” standard through NC family law.
RE: Ashlynn (Granddaughter)
My wife and I have been legal guardians of Ashlynn as of 11/12. Her mother signed a custody agreement giving my wife and I legal guardianship over her. She has had little contact with her over the past 17 months. She agreed to pay 200 dollars a month. She has paid I think close to 600 dollars total. My wife and I have provided for Ashlynn including daycare. We did have to go to Social Services to apply for assistance with daycare. It was a few months before we came up on the list, then we were approved. On 4/11/14 at 7:00 pm Ashlynn’s mother along with her Uncle Gary and Aunt Wendy kidnapped Ashlynn after we dropped her off for her other grandparents weekend, which was at Tabetha’s (Ashlynn’s mothers) house. We had went over to discuss custody issues. Really just things to help her get her life together in a civil kind of way. Before we knew it, her Uncle Gary walks in, that I didn’t even know at the time, Tabetha had Ashlynn in the truck. Gary was pushing my wife away from his truck. I grabbed Gary and something grabbed me, not sure what. All I could do was think about Ashlynn and not causing any undue stress for her. I jumped in the back of the truck and the same thing. I wanted to just knock the rear window out. All the windows were tinted and I knew Ashlynn was inside. I jumped out, called 911 and gave the plate number and they sped off. Tabetha’s parents knew where they were going and we gave the Deputies the address when they arrived. I truly feel everyone there knew what was going to happen. No one lifted a finger, while my wife and I were completely hysterical. Saturday was a bad day for my wife and I. Friday night we went to the Magistrates office and they said they could do nothing with the notarized custody agreement because it had not been signed by a judge. We were told initially this was a legal document. We used it to obtain her health insurance and at Social Services for daycare. That’s were we are going to start Monday morning is at Social Services. We paid $150 to talk to a private attorney and they want a $2500 retainer, which I don’t have. This mother gave up her child because the Father, my stepson, was incarcerate in prison. He is to be released on 6/19/14. Tabetha knows this. She also knows child support will be instated. It’s all about the money. When she has paid us very very little. The way she and her family kidnapped Ashlynn after we have supported her unconditionally for 17 months, just ain’t right. All you here about is biological mother. There is more to parenting than biologics. There is not an ounce of my blood running through Ashlynn’s veins, but you cannot tell my heart any different. I raised two kids that are grown. I know the love and time it takes to be a positive influence. Tabetha wants to chase the next best guy down, leaving Ashlynn with people she don’t even know. She drinks as does her Uncle and Aunt she’s living with. They couldn’t even go to Ashlynn’s birthday party last Saturday without drinking beer. There’s something wrong with that. According to her own mother Tabetha does not have patience to deal with Ashlynn for long periods of time. Yes, that scars me now since Tabetha has taken her away. No, Ashlynn does not need to be raised in the environment she is currently in, by no means. Ashlynn was in the most stable home she could ever be in. I know you expect me to say that, but the truth is the truth. I’m so fearful a judge will not see that for the sake of a biological mother that only wants Ashlynn for money. Tabetha lives here and there. Works out of state and all of a sudden wants her daughter. Any advice in this matter will be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely Yours,
Ashlynn is registered with Social Services in North Carolina
Hello, I am a grandmother of a 10 year old. Now she resides in Raeford, North Caroline, and I reside in Rockingham, NC. My son and I raised our grandchild for 4 1/2 years until his passing in 2011 and I was made to return the child to her biological mother. She allows me to visit her at her home, but I am not allowed to take her with me and it’s not right. My granddaughter cries when I come and wants to spend time with me. I need help with visitation to at least keep her in the summertime. Thank You!
I am both a parent and a grandparent, and have stood on both sides of this issue. Currently my ex husband and I are not allowing his parents to see our child because they were abusive to my children, and him growing up. To the public his mother seems like an upstanding citizen that works for an attorney. To us, she is codependent and allows her husband to physically abuse children.
My own adult daughter suffers mental illness and did not allow us to see my own grandchildren, and so I do empathize, and there was nothing we could do. We had been paying their clothing, electricity, phone, and more for years. I was even given custody by DSS at one time. The best advice anyone gave me was stop believing you are owed anything by biological parents, even if they are your own children. If you have to crawl on your belly through broken glass to see your grandchildren, then do it. Otherwise realize life is not fair. Period.
My wife and I have a grandson that has 2 daughters, 9 and almost 4, by 2 different women. The 9 year old is why he had to marry her mother just after he graduated high school. Four years later they went their separate ways, not divorced. He began living with a woman that had been living with him and his wife. Not long after he got her pregnant. She already had 1 baby girl about 3, and one 4 years old from different fathers. After she had the baby, they began arguing and parted ways. She had the new baby and when it was 2 months old, she asked that we take care of the baby because she had no way to support it and the 4 year old she had. So we were more than happy to do so. Our grandson moved in with his father and meanwhile we were raising the baby and our daughter was happy to help with the baby also. After 14 1/2 months, the grandson had found a job and rented a small trailer so he came and just told us we didn’t have to keep her anymore. Turned out he had moved an old girlfriend and her 2 year old in with him. She also had another child but she had given it up to her sister. As time went on, about 15 months, we and or our daughter was allowed to pick up the baby and care for her for a few days or more. Then, one day when our daughter picked the baby up, she found bruises on her legs. This happened 2 times in a row but on the third time there was a red hand print on the baby’s behind. Our daughter called the DSS and reported it. This happened no less than 3 times and each time the DSS said there wasn’t any problems that they could find with the baby nor the home situation. Anyway, we all know how DSS works, better to say don’t work. Fathers day of 2017, there was a family cook out at our daughters home and there was a kiddie pool for the little ones. The first thing that took place that I personally saw was the baby in her high chair with a dough nut and she was getting full. The grandson got right in her face and yelled, “IF YOU DON”T EAT ALL OF THAT RIGHT NOW YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WILL GET WHEN YOU GET HOME” !!!!!! I was sitting not more than 7 feet from them along with his other grandfather, and his own father and 2 other people. I wanted to grab a hold of him right then but his own father was next to him and I figured he should have been the person to say something but he didn’t. He took the baby outside and put her in the pool and shortly after, she got water in her mouth and gagged and spit the water out. It was then he got the baby and her now 9 year old sister and his girlfriend and her 3 yer old son and went home. A few days later my wife called to find out how the baby was and my wife was told not to bother them then. A month or so later my wife called there to ask if she could bring the baby to our house, the girlfriend said she could but not to let our daughter see her . Some words were said and the girlfriend snatched the baby from my wife and called the sheriff and my wife waited for them. After that was all over, that evening we were told that we nor our daughter could NEVER see, nor talk with the baby again. The 3 of us had the baby potty trained and teaching her things to ready her for preschool etc, but when she was at her fathers house she was kept inside 99% of the time and back in diapers. Also she wasn’t being taken for her regular medical check ups like little kids were supposed to be. The baby and the girlfriends little boy slept on a small foam rubber pad for a bed, holes in the wall from mice, and not bathed regularly if at all. The girlfriend has begun cutting the baby’s hair when knotted up and now the baby has even begun to pull her hair out. This was told by the baby’s 9 year old sister that visits her father on some weekends. I have seen pictures posted on a family members face book and even I could see her hair had thinned out very badly. Anyway, we have an attorney and awaiting court and try to get the baby away from her father and give her a good home here and at our daughters house when she wants to have her over. I am retired military and can put her on my medical insurance and our finances are far better than her father and we can make sure she is in preschool etc like she should be. Last Item, those of you that have had dealings with DSS, will have to agree with me in saying, they either need to shut it down or rewrite the rules and laws for them to follow. I forgot to mention, the grandsons live in girlfriend is pregnant now also with his baby, that makes 3 kids for him and 3 different mothers.